Monday, February 4, 2008

God bless Nora Jones

Until we move, Isaac, who will be one year old this month (what? can that even be true?) is still sleeping in our bedroom. His crib is in the corner of our quite small room and every noise we make when we go to bed wakes him up so I knew that we had to come up with something better. Chris thought maybe we could put him in the laundry room, but somehow that doesn't seem like a good solution. I couldn't do laundry while he was sleeping. Plus, that just seems wrong, somehow. We can't put him in his sisters room because she has (mild) night terrors and she would wake him up anyway. So I finally came up with the idea, and then thought 'why didn't I think of this sooner?' to put on some music to cover up any noise me might make getting ready for bed. Even just pulling back the blankets could wake him up sometimes. I "borrowed" Lillian's CD player, popped in a CD of Nora Jones and he slept just fine. Then last night as I was getting him ready for bed, he kept looking over at the CD player to look for the music. I turned on the CD and he immediatly cuddled in to me and was ready to sleep. Why didn't I try this earlier?


the dragonfly said...

Good that you thought of music! Hope that continues to work until you move...

Anonymous said...

that was a smart idea! Nore Jones is pretty soothing. dont try the new one though, its more upbeat. well, i think so.

The Army of Allmans said...

We had that problem when banner was little- we would put a box fan by his crib to drown out any noise- now I can't go to sleep with out one!! See ya soon!

Blog said...

Well, God bless Nora Jones, indeed! The rascal's a REALLY light sleeper, too!

Beck said...

Good idea!